Our Story

The idea for Birdzy started when we decided to feed the birds that visited us every day. As we watched them eat, we noticed the birds were often throwing seeds to the ground. We did some research and learned that we were giving them seed filled with fillers and that didn’t provide the nutrients they needed to thrive.

Discouraged by the options available on the market, we set out to create our own birdseed blends that were packed with everything the birds needed with no fillers. After countless hours of research and experimentation, we determined that seed cylinders were the best way to feed birds. They spend more time trying to pick at the cylinder so you get to enjoy them for longer. The birds in our backyard couldn't get enough of it and there was no mess to cleanup.

Excited by the difference our birdseed was making, we decided to share it with the world. And so, Birdzy was born. Our brand is dedicated to providing the highest quality birdseed blends to help nourish and support wild birds everywhere.

But our mission didn’t stop there. We also wanted to make bird lovers happy by making compressed seed into animal shapes like owls and chipmunks to be given as gifts. It’s truly incredible to watch the receiver’s reactions. Absolutely priceless…

We are also committed to making a positive impact on the environment. That's why we source our ingredients locally and use eco-friendly packaging whenever possible.

Try Birdzy birdseed today and see the difference it can make in the lives of the feathered friends in your own backyard.